Interior Normal Acceleration
The Interior Normal Acceleration node adds a normal acceleration on an interior boundary and ensures that the pressure is noncontinuous here. This node from the Interior Conditions submenu. The pressure has a so-called slit condition on this boundary. This boundary condition can be used to model sources as, for example, the movement of a speaker cone modeled as a boundary. The condition adds the normal part of an acceleration a0(t):
Alternatively, specify the inward acceleration an(t). The normal of the boundary is interpreted as pointing outward.
Interior Normal Acceleration
Select a Type: Acceleration (the default) or Normal acceleration.
For Acceleration enter values for the components of the Acceleration a0 (SI unit: m/s2).
For Normal acceleration enter the value of the Normal acceleration an (SI unit: m/s2) in the normal direction. The normal is depicted as a red arrow in the graphics window on the selected boundary.
In transient models all sources need to be functions of time t in order to represent an acoustic signal. This can, for example, be a harmonic sine wave defined as sin(omega*t) or any other signal.