The AC/DC Module Physics Interfaces
The AC/DC interfaces are based upon Maxwell’s equations or subsets and special cases of these together with material laws. Different subsets of Maxwell’s equations in combination with special material laws result in different electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic formulations. In the module, these laws of physics are translated by the AC/DC interfaces to sets of partial differential equations with corresponding initial and boundary conditions.
An AC/DC interface defines a number of features. Each feature represents a term or condition in the underlying Maxwell-based formulation and may be defined in a geometric entity of the model, such as a domain, boundary, edge (for 3D components), or point.
Figure 5 on the next page shows the Model Builder window and the Settings window for the selected Charge Conservation 1 feature node in the Electrostatics interface. The Charge Conservation 1 node adds the terms representing Electrostatics to the model equations for a selected geometrical domain in the model.
Furthermore, the Charge Conservation 1 node may link to the Materials node to obtain physical properties, in this case the relative permittivity of a user-defined dielectric. The properties, defined by the Dielectric material node, may be functions of the modeled physical quantities, such as temperature. The Zero Charge 1 boundary condition feature adds the natural boundary conditions that limit the Electrostatics domain.
Figure 5: The Model Builder window (to the left), and the Settings window for Charge Conservation 1 for the selected feature node (to the right). The Equation section in the Settings window shows the model equations and the terms added to the model equations by the Charge Conservation 1 node. The added terms are underlined with a dotted line. The text also explains the link between the material properties represented by the Dielectric node and the values for the Relative permittivity.
The AC/DC Module has several AC/DC interfaces () for different types of electric and magnetic modeling. Figure 6 shows the AC/DC interfaces as well as predefined multiphysics combinations of more than one physics interface, some of which require additional modules.
Figure 6: The AC/DC Module physics interfaces as displayed in the Model Wizard.
A brief overview of the physics interfaces and predefined multiphysics combinations of more than one physics interface that are available with the AC/DC Module only follows. Also see Physics Interface Guide by Space Dimension and Study Type.
Electric Currents
The Electric Currents interface () is used to model DC, AC, and transient electric current flow in conductive and capacitive media. This physics interface solves a current conservation equation for the electric potential. Some examples of its use are designing busbars for DC current distribution and designing AC capacitors.
Electric Currents in Shells
The Electric Currents in Shells interface () is available in 3D geometries. It applies to faces in 3D where it is used to model DC electric current flow confined to thin current-conducting shells of fixed or varying thickness. This physics interface solves a boundary current conservation equation for the electric potential. Modeling ground return current flow in the hull of a ship or in the body of a car are examples of simulations that can be done with this physics interface. It is the same interface as the Electric Currents in Layered Shells interface but with different settings.
Electric Currents in Layered Shells
The Electric Currents in Layered Shells interface () is available in 3D geometries. It applies to faces in 3D where it is used to model DC electric current flow confined to thin current-conducting layered shells of fixed or varying thickness. This physics interface solves a boundary current conservation equation for the electric potential. It is the same interface as the Electric Currents in Shells interface but with different settings.
Electrical Circuit
The Electrical Circuit interface () has the equations to model electrical circuits with or without connections to a distributed fields model, solving for the voltages, currents, and charges associated with the circuit elements. Circuit models can contain passive elements like resistors, capacitors, and inductors as well as active elements such as diodes and transistors.
The Electrostatics interface () solves a charge conservation equation for the electric potential given the spatial distribution of the electric charge. It is used primarily to model charge conservation in dielectrics under static conditions. This physics interface applies also under transient conditions but then it is usually combined with a separate transport model for single species or multispecies charge transport. Such transport models can be found in the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module and in the Plasma Module. AC simulations are supported and used especially together with the Piezoelectricity interface in the Acoustics Module, Structural Mechanics Module, and MEMS Module. Some typical applications that are simulated in the Electrostatics interface are capacitors, dielectric sensors, and bushings for high voltage DC insulation.
Electrostatics, Boundary Elements
The Electrostatics, Boundary Elements interface(), solves Laplace’s equation for the scalar electric potential. It is used for computing the potential distribution in dielectrics with constant and isotropic electrical permittivity under conditions where the electric potential distribution on the boundaries is explicitly prescribed. The formulation is based on the boundary element method and the interface is available in 2D and 3D. It can be coupled to the Electrostatics interface to combine the modeling of large open regions (using the boundary element method) and the modeling of complex inhomogeneous and anisotropic dielectrics (using the finite element method).
Magnetic Field Formulation
The Magnetic Field Formulation interface () solves Faraday’s law for the magnetic H-field. It is used to model mainly AC, and transient magnetodynamics in conducting domains. It is especially suitable for modeling involving nonlinear conductivity effects, for example in superconductors.
Magnetic Fields
The Magnetic Fields interface () solves Ampère’s law for the magnetic vector potential. It is used to model magnetostatics, AC, and transient magnetodynamics. Magnets, magnetic actuators, electric motors, transformers, induction based nondestructive testing, and eddy current generation are typical applications for this physics interface. It supports both linear media, media with magnetic saturation and time‑domain hysteresis.
Magnetic Fields, No Currents
The Magnetic Fields, No Currents interface () is used to efficiently model magnetostatics in current free regions, for example, when designing permanent magnet-based devices. It solves a magnetic flux conservation equation for the magnetic scalar potential. This physics interface supports both linear media, media with magnetic saturation and time‑domain hysteresis.
Magnetic Fields, No Currents, Boundary Elements
The Magnetic Fields, No Currents, Boundary Elements interface(), solves Laplace’s equation for the scalar magnetic potential. It is used to compute magnetostatic fields from permanent magnets and other current free magnetic sources in media with constant and isotropic magnetic permeability. The formulation is based on the boundary element method and the interface is available in 2D and 3D. It can be coupled to the Magnetic Fields, No Currents Interface and the Magnetic Fields Interface to combine the modeling of large open, current free regions (using the boundary element method) and the modeling of complex inhomogeneous and anisotropic magnetic media (using the finite element method).
Magnetic and Electric Fields
The Magnetic and Electric Fields interface () is used to model magnetostatics and AC magnetodynamics. It solves Ampère’s law for the magnetic vector potential together with a current conservation equation for the electric potential. The application areas are mostly the same as for the Magnetic Fields interface.
Note: In most cases, using the Magnetic Fields interface with its dedicated coil modeling feature, is the preferred choice over using the Magnetic and Electric Fields interface.
Rotating Machinery, Magnetic
The Rotating Machinery, Magnetic interface () combines the magnetic fields (magnetic vector potential) and magnetic fields, no currents (scalar magnetic potential) formulations with a selection of predefined frames for prescribed rotation or rotation velocity — it shares most of its features with the Magnetic Fields interface. This physics interface requires that the geometry is created as an assembly from individual parts for the rotor and stator.
Induction Heating
The Induction Heating interface () combines all features from the Magnetic Fields interface in the time-harmonic formulation with the Heat Transfer interface to model induction and eddy current heating. The predefined multiphysics couplings add the electromagnetic power dissipation as a heat source, and the electromagnetic material properties can depend on the temperature. This physics interface is based on the assumption that the magnetic cycle time is short compared to the thermal time scale (adiabatic assumption).
Joule Heating
The Joule Heating interface () combines all features from the Electric Currents interface with the Heat Transfer interface to model resistive heating and heating due to dielectric losses. The predefined multiphysics couplings add the electromagnetic power dissipation as a heat source, and the electromagnetic material properties can depend on the temperature.
Physics Interface Guide by Space Dimension and Study Type
The table list the physics interfaces available specifically with this module in addition to the COMSOL Multiphysics basic license.
stationary; stationary source sweep; frequency domain; time dependent; small signal analysis, frequency domain
stationary; frequency domain; time dependent
stationary; frequency domain; time dependent
stationary; frequency domain; time dependent; small signal analysis, frequency domain
stationary; time dependent; stationary source sweep; eigenfrequency; frequency domain; small signal analysis, frequency domain
stationary; stationary source sweep; frequency domain; small signal analysis, frequency domain
3D, 2D, 2D axisymmetric
stationary; frequency domain; time dependent; small signal analysis, frequency domain; coil geometry analysis (3D only)
Heat Transfer
Electromagnetic Heating
stationary; time dependent; frequency-transient; small-signal analysis; frequency domain; frequency-stationary; frequency-stationary, one-way coupled, electromagnetic heating; frequency-transient, one-way coupled, electromagnetic heating
1 This physics interface is included with the core COMSOL package but has added functionality for this module.
2 This physics interface is a predefined multiphysics coupling that automatically adds all the physics interfaces and coupling features required.