Perfect Magnetic Conductor
The Perfect Magnetic Conductor boundary condition
is a special case of the surface current boundary condition that sets the tangential component of the magnetic field and thus also the surface current density to zero. On external boundaries, this can be interpreted as a “high surface impedance” boundary condition or used as a symmetry type boundary condition. It imposes symmetry for electric fields and electric currents. Electric currents (volume, surface, or edge currents) are not allowed to flow into a perfect magnetic conductor boundary as that would violate current conservation. On interior boundaries, the perfect magnetic conductor boundary condition literally sets the tangential magnetic field to zero, which in addition to setting the surface current density to zero also makes the tangential electric field discontinuous.
Figure 3-3: The perfect magnetic conductor boundary condition is used on exterior boundaries representing the surface of a high impedance region or a symmetry cut. The shaded (high impedance) region is not part of the model but nevertheless carries effective mirror images of the sources. Note also that any electric current flowing into the boundary is forbidden as it cannot be balanced by induced electric surface currents. The tangential magnetic field vanishes at the boundary. On interior boundaries, the perfect magnetic conductor boundary condition literally sets the tangential magnetic field to zero which in addition to setting the surface current density to zero also makes the tangential electric field (and in dynamics the tangential electric field) discontinuous.
Optical Scattering Off a Gold Nanosphere: Application Library path Wave_Optics_Module/Optical_Scattering/scattering_nanosphere
Self-Focusing: Application Library path Wave_Optics_Module/Nonlinear_Optics/self_focusing