Thread Boundary Selection
The Thread Boundary Selection subnode is used in conjunction with the Bolt Thread Contact node for selecting the contact pairs representing the internal and external thread. One Thread Boundary Selection node is required for each bolt.
Pair Selection
From the Pair selection list, choose the contact pair which defines the thread connection for this bolt. The contact pair should be created so that the source boundary is the internal thread, and the destination boundary is the external (bolt) thread.
Bolt Label
Enter a Bolt label. The default is Bolt_1. The label is used for identification during postprocessing. If the same label is used in a Thread Boundary Selection node and a Bolt Selection node, the results will be grouped together.
In order to specify contact conditions like this, one or more Contact Pair nodes must be defined in the Definitions branch of the component.
When a contact feature is present in your model, all studies are geometrically nonlinear. The Include geometric nonlinearity check box on the study step Settings window is selected and cannot be cleared.
See also Simplified Modeling of Bolt Threads in the Structural Mechanics Modeling chapter.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Solid Mechanics>Bolt Thread Contact>Thread Boundary Selection
Physics tab with Bolt Thread Contact selected in the Model Builder tree:
Attributes>Thread Boundary Selection