Point Load (on Axis)
A Point Load (on Axis) node can be added to points located at R = 0 in axially symmetric models. This is the only true point load an axisymmetric model, since loads applied at points having nonzero radial coordinates actually represent a ring load. You can add a ring load using a Ring Load node.
Enter values or expressions for the Force Fz in the axial direction.
The Load list normally only contains User defined. When combining with another physics interface that can provide this type of load, it is also possible to choose a predefined load from this list.
You can add the Phase subnode to specify the phase of this load in a frequency domain analysis.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Solid Mechanics>Points>Point Load (on Axis)
Shell>Point Load (on Axis)
Membrane>Point Load (on Axis)
Physics tab with Solid Mechanics selected:
Points>Point Load (on Axis)
Physics tab with Shell or Membrane selected:
Points>Shell>Point Load (on Axis)
Points>Membrane>Point Load (on Axis)