External Stress
You can add the External Stress subnode to several material models, in order to specify an additional stress contribution which is not part of the constitutive relation. The external stress can be added to the total stress tensor, or act only as an extra load contribution.
The External Stress subnode is only available with some COMSOL products (see http://www.comsol.com/products/specifications/).
In many cases External Stress and Initial Stress and Strain are interchangeable when prescribing stresses. In Initial Stress and Strain, the given stress is however always added to the stress tensor.
Layer Selection
This section is only present in the in the Layered Shell interface, where it is described in the documentation for the External Stress node.
External Stress
Select a Stress inputStress tensor (Material), Stress tensor (Spatial) or Pore pressure. The option Pore pressure is not available in the Layered Shell interface.
When Stress tensor (Material) is selected, you enter the external stress in the form of a Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. The External stress tensor drop-down list will contain all stress tensors announced by any physics interface, and also the entry User defined. When User defined is selected, you can enter the data for the External stress tensor Sext as Isotropic, Diagonal, or Symmetric depending on the properties of the tensor. The tensor components are interpreted in the selected coordinate system. If a stress tensor announced by a physics interface is selected, the coordinate system setting is ignored — the orientation is handled internally. Choose a Contribution type Add to stress tensor or Load contribution only — to determine the effect of the contribution.
When Stress tensor (Spatial) is selected, you enter the external stress in the form of Cauchy stress tensor. The components are interpreted in the selected coordinate system. Depending on the properties of the tensor, you can enter the data for the External stress tensor σext as Isotropic, Diagonal, or Symmetric. Choose a Contribution type Add to stress tensor or Load contribution only — to determine the effect of the contribution.
When Pore pressure is selected, the Absolute pressure drop down menu will always contain the entry User defined, in which case you manually enter a value or an expression for the absolute pressure pA. If there are other physics interfaces (like Darcy’s Law) which compute and announce a pressure variable, such variables are also present in the list. You can also enter a Reference pressure level pref, which is the pressure level at which the pore pressure does not give any stress contribution. Enter the Biot-Willis coefficient aB to specify the fraction of the pore pressure to use. As a default, its value is taken From material. Choose User defined to enter another value or expression. When using Pore pressure, there is no contribution to the stress tensor, the only effect of the pressure is as a load.
Selecting a stress tensor announced by the same physics interface as where the External Stress node is added, will result in an error (‘Circular variable dependency detected’). This operation would imply that the computed stress depends on itself.
You can use a stress tensor from the same physics interface, but a previous solution step. Select the User defined input type and enter expressions where the withsol operator is used to point to the intended solution.
Since all stress tensor representations coincide in a geometrically linear analysis, Stress tensor (Spatial) is needed only in the case of a geometrically nonlinear analysis. The stress tensor is entered using a Cauchy stress tensor representation, and is internally transformed to a Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor.
Deep Excavation: Application Library path
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Solid Mechanics>Linear Elastic Material>External Stress
Solid Mechanics>Nonlinear Elastic Material>External Stress
Solid Mechanics>Hyperelastic Material>External Stress
Layered Shell>Linear Elastic Material>External Stress
Membrane>Linear Elastic Material>External Stress
Membrane>Nonlinear Elastic Material>External Stress
Membrane>Hyperelastic Material>External Stress
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material, Nonlinear Elastic Material, or Hyperelastic Material node selected in the model tree:
Attributes>External Stress