From the 2D approximation list, select Plane strain (the default), Plane stress, or Generalized Plane Strain.
Plane stress is relevant for structures that are thin in the out-of-plane direction, such as a thin plate. When using plane stress, the Solid Mechanics interface solves for the out-of-plane strain displacement derivative,
![]() When combining Solid Mechanics with other types of physics, there is often an assumption that the out-of-plane extension is infinitely long. This is the case in, for example, Acoustic-Structure interaction problems. In these cases, Plane strain is usually the correct choice.
Select Out-of-plane mode extension (time-harmonic) to prescribe an out-of-plane wave number to be used in mode analysis, eigenfrequency, and frequency domain studies. When selected, enter the Out-of-plane wave number kz. Note that the input value will only be taken into account in eigenfrequency and frequency domain studies. For mode analysis, the out-of-plane wave number is computed as an eigenvalue.
For more information, see Out-of-plane and Circumferential Modes in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
Select Circumferential mode extension (time-harmonic) to prescribe a circumferential wave number to be used in eigenfrequency or frequency domain studies. When selected, enter the Circumferential mode number m.
For more information, see Out-of-plane and Circumferential Modes in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
Eigenfrequency Analysis of a Free Cylinder: Application Library path Structural_Mechanics_Module/Verification_Examples/free_cylinder.
For 2D components, enter a value or expression for the Thickness d. The default value of 1 m is suitable for plane strain models, where it represents a unit-depth slice, for example. For plane stress models, enter the actual thickness, which should be small compared to the size of the plate for the plane stress assumption to be valid.