Use the Safety subnode to set up variables which can be used to check the risk of failure according to various criteria. It can be used in combination with Linear Elastic Material, and Layered Linear Elastic Material. Four different variables describing the failure risk are defined, as described in TableĀ 5-1.
You can add any number of Safety nodes to a single material model. The contents of this feature do not affect the analysis results as such, so you can add Safety nodes after having performed an analysis, and just do an Update Solution in order to access to the new variables for result evaluation.
For orthotropic and anisotropic failure criteria, the directions are given by the coordinate system selection in the parent node.
All other settings for the Safety node are described in the documentation for Safety in the Solid Mechanics interface.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Shell>Linear Elastic Material>Safety
Shell>Layered Linear Elastic Material>Safety
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material or Layered Linear Elastic Material node selected in the model builder tree:
Attributes>External Safety