Create the Piezoelectric Effect Interface and Define Domains
A piezoelectric problem can be set up in different ways:
By selecting Piezoelectric Devices from the Model Wizard,
By choosing Piezoelectric Devices from the Add Physics menu when working in an existing model, or
In the first two cases, by default all the domains in the model are assumed to be piezoelectric materials.
When setting up the problem manually (that is, by adding single physics interfaces one at a time) both Solid Mechanics and Electrostatics interfaces should be added. Then, you have to specify which domains are in each physics, and which domains are to be modeled as piezoelectric materials.
On the Solid Mechanics interface Settings window, locate the Domain Selection section. Select the domains which undergo structural deformation, including the piezoelectric material domains.
Go to the Solid Mechanics>Piezoelectric Material node (if it is not yet available, add it). Select the domains where the piezoelectric effect applies. Non-piezoelectric domains can be modeled using the other available material models.
Go to the Electrostatics node and under Domain Selection select the domains the electrostatics equations must be solved. These domains include all the piezoelectric domains, and any other insulating domains.
Go to the Electrostatics>Charge Conservation, Piezoelectric node (if it is not yet available, add it). Select the domains where the piezoelectric effect has to be modeled.
A Multiphysics>Piezoelectric Effect node is already present if the coupling was added using either the Model Wizard or Add Physics window. If the model is set up manually (that is, single physics interfaces are added), right-click the Multiphysics Couplings node to add a Piezoelectric Effect coupling.
Only domains that have both Charge Conservation, Piezoelectric selected in the Electrostatics interface and Piezoelectric Material selected in the Solid Mechanics interface are selected. The selection of this feature cannot be edited. If several Solid Mechanics or Electrostatics interfaces are present, select the correct ones.