About Membranes
Membranes can be considered as plane stress elements in 3D with a possibility to deform both in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions. The difference between a shell and a membrane is that the membrane does not have any bending stiffness. If the ratio between the thickness and the dimensions in the other directions becomes very small, a membrane formulation is numerically better posed than a shell formulation.
Theory for the Membrane Interface supports the same study types as the Solid Mechanics interface except it does not include the Linear Buckling study type.
To describe a membrane, provide its thickness and the material properties. All properties can be variable over the element. All elemental quantities are integrated only at the midsurface. This is a good approximation since by definition a membrane is thin.
The physics interface is intended to model either prestressed membranes or a thin cladding on top of a solid.
Stiffness in the Normal Direction
When membrane elements are used separately, not supported by other structural elements, a prestress is necessary in order to avoid a singularity. The unstressed membrane has no stiffness in the normal direction. It is the geometrically nonlinear effects (stress stiffening) which supply the out-of-plane stiffness. A prestress can be given either through initial stress and strain or through a tensile boundary load. Prestress is not necessary in cases where inertia effects are included in a dynamic analysis. A small prestress can, however, still be useful to stabilize the analysis in the initial state. In order to obtain the prestress effect, you must select Include geometric nonlinearity in the settings for the study step.
If you want to explicitly prescribe the stress field for a prestressed analysis rather than solving for it, you should not use the two study step procedure. In such a case, prescribe the stress field using an Initial Stress and Strain, External Stress, or External Strain node. Then add a separate Eigenfrequency or Frequency Domain study and select Include Geometric Nonlinearity in the settings for the study step.
Membranes for 3D Models
The Membrane interface in 3D can be active on internal and external boundaries of a domain, as well as on boundaries not adjacent to any domain.
The dependent variables are the displacements u, v, and w in the global x, y, and z directions, and the displacement derivative unn in the direction normal to the membrane.
Membranes for 2D Axisymmetric Models
The Membrane interface for 2D axisymmetric models can be active on internal and external boundaries of a solid, as well as on edges that not adjacent to a solid.
The dependent variables are the displacements u and w in the global r and z directions, and the displacement derivative unn in the direction normal to the membrane in r-z plane.