Prescribed Displacement, Interface
The Prescribed Displacement, Interface node adds a condition where the displacements are prescribed in one or more directions to interfaces between material layers in the selected geometric entity (boundary, edge, or point).
If a displacement is prescribed in one direction, this leaves the material free to deform in the other directions.
To prescribe displacements to the actual material layers, use Prescribed Displacement.
Layer Selection
Select the interface or interfaces for which this constraint is to be added.
All other settings for the Prescribed Displacement, Interface node are described in the documentation for Prescribed Displacement in the Solid Mechanics interface.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Layered Shell>Face and Domain Constraints>Interfaces>Prescribed Displacement, Interface
Layered Shell>More Constraints>Interfaces>Prescribed Displacement, Interface
Layered Shell>Points>Interfaces>Prescribed Displacement, Interface
Physics tab with Layered Shell selected:
Boundaries>Interfaces>Prescribed Displacement, Interface
Edges>Interfaces>Prescribed Displacement, Interface
Points>Interfaces>Prescribed Displacement, Interface