Auger Recombination
Use the Auger Recombination model to set the electron and hole recombination rates at high nonequilibrium carrier densities in semiconducting materials. Select this option from the Generation-Recombination submenu.
The Auger recombination rate is defined as:
where γnand γp are the electron and hole degeneracy factors, Nc,0 and Nv,0 are the effective densities of states for the conduction and valence band, Eg is the band-gap (SI unit: V), and ΔEg the band gap narrowing (SI unit: V). The parameters Cn and Cp are material constants (SI unit: m6/s).
Auger Recombination
The electron lifetime Auger recombination factor, electrons Cn (SI unit: m6/s) is taken From material. For User defined, enter a value in the text field, the default value is for silicon, 2.8e-31 cm6/s.
The electron lifetime Auger recombination factor, holes Cp (SI unit: m6/s) is taken From material. For User defined, enter a value in the text field, the default value is for silicon, 9.9e-32 cm6/s.