Electron Potential Energy
The Electron Potential Energy feature adds contribution to the total potential energy experienced by the particle. The contribution from all Electron Potential Energy nodes are summed up to give the total potential energy. This makes it easy to construct complicated potential profiles by employing a number of nodes.
Electron potential energy
Select a profile option for the Electron Potential Energy Ve (for electrons) or Vh (for holes): Simple harmonic potential (the default), Quantum well, or User defined.
Simple harmonic potential
For this profile, enter the
Angular frequency ω0 (rad/s). The default is 1[eV]/hbar_const.
Center of potential r0 (m). The default is the origin of the geometry. For axisymmetric models, the center of potential is fixed at the origin (not editable).
Constant offset V0 (J). The default is 0[eV].
The contribution to the total electron potential energy is
where the plus sign is for electrons and minus sign for holes.
Quantum well
For this profile, enter the
Width of quantum well d0 (m). The default is 10[nm].
Depth of quantum well Vw (J). The default is 100[meV].
Center of potential r0 (m). The default is the origin of the geometry. For axisymmetric models, the center of potential is fixed at the origin (not editable).
Constant offset V0 (J). The default is 0[eV].
The contribution to the total electron potential energy is
where the plus sign is for electrons and minus sign for holes.
If the effective mass of the particle varies from the well region to the barrier region, as is very often the case, then it will be easier to not use this option. Instead, define different domains for the well and barrier regions and use the User defined option to specify the potential and effective mass in each domain.
User defined
For this option, enter the contribution to the electron potential energy in the input field. The default is 0.5*schr.meff*((1[eV]/hbar_const)^2)*(x^2) for electrons and -0.5*schr.meff*((1[eV]/hbar_const)^2)*(x^2) for holes.