Physics for Semiconductor Modeling
The physics of semiconductor devices is highly dependent on the size of the device. Over the last 50 years semiconductor devices have been progressively miniaturized enabling improvements in speed and reductions in power consumption. Nonetheless semiconductor devices are so ubiquitous that devices of larger sizes are still widely used for many applications. The Semiconductor Module is directed at these larger scale devices (with length scales of 100s of nm or more), which can still be modeled by a conventional drift-diffusion approach using partial differential equations. It is useful to note some of the important assumptions implicit to this approach:
The carrier temperature is assumed to be equal to the lattice temperature and, consequently, the diffusion of hot carriers is not properly described.
In addition to these intrinsic assumptions, The Semiconductor Interface allows you to make additional assumptions to simplify the solution process:
For nondegenerate semiconductors it is possible to assume a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for the carrier energies at a given temperature, which reduces the nonlinearity of the semiconductor equations. If degenerate semiconductors are present within the model, or at lower temperatures, it is necessary to use Fermi-Dirac statistics.
In majority carrier devices, it is often only necessary to solve for one of the carrier concentrations (the majority carrier). The minority carrier concentration is usually unimportant for the device operation and can be estimated by assuming the mass action law.
By default Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics are assumed by the Semiconductor interface and the interface explicitly solves for both the electron and hole concentrations.
The Semiconductor interface solves Poisson’s equation in conjunction with continuity equations for the charge carriers. An important length scale to consider when modeling electrostatic fields in the presence of mobile carriers is the Debye length:
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the lattice temperature, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, εr is the relative permittivity of the semiconductor, Nion is the concentration of ionized donors or acceptors, and q is the electron charge. The Debye length is the length scale over which the electric field decays in the presence of mobile carriers; it is important to resolve this length scale with the mesh in semiconductor models.