Global Variables
The following quantities can be evaluated globally, using the Global plot or Global Evaluation feature. They could be used in a Ray Evaluation, but they would just give the same value for every ray.
Total number of rays, gop.Nt. This total includes both primary and secondary rays, and includes rays that have disappeared or have not been released.
Total number of rays in selection, gop.Nsel. If a selection has been applied to the Ray data set, the number of rays in that selection can be evaluated.
Transmission probability, gop.alpha is the ratio of the number of rays in a selection to the total number of rays.
For each ray release feature, the total number of rays released by feature is also defined. This variable has physics feature scope, so for example, a Release from Grid node with tag relg1 would define a variable called gop.relg1.Ntf.
This global variable is uniquely defined for each release feature, and gives the total number of rays that are released by that feature. This includes rays that have disappeared or have otherwise stopped propagating due to interaction with the surrounding boundaries. It does not include any secondary rays.