Part Libraries
In geometrical optics simulation, it is often necessary to set up geometry sequences consisting of entities that are more complex than simple geometry primitives such as spheres, cones, blocks, etc. Instead it might be necessary to insert lenses with different thicknesses and radii of curvature, off-axis conic mirrors, and parabolic concentrators. This can be conveniently accomplished using the Part Library for the Ray Optics Module.
The Part Library contains fully parameterized sequences of geometry instructions that produce more complex shapes frequently required for geometrical optics simulation, including the following:
For example, you can load the Spherical Lens 3D part into a model and then specify the radii of curvature of each lens surface, along with the lens thickness and diameter. Ray Optics parts can include cumulative selections that make it easy to apply a boundary condition to a group of lens surfaces at the same time.
In addition, many parts automatically define work planes so that the parts and other features can more easily be positioned and oriented with respect to each other.
Newtonian Telescope: Application Library path Ray_Optics_Module/Lenses_Cameras_and_Telescopes/newtonian_telescope
Petzval Lens: Application Library path Ray_Optics_Module/Lenses_Cameras_and_Telescopes/petzval_lens
Part Libraries in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.