Ray Tracing in an Imported Mesh
It is possible to compute ray trajectories in an imported mesh. The mesh can be imported from a COMSOL Multiphysics file (.mphbin for a binary file format or .mphtxt for a text file format) or from a NASTRAN file (.nas, .bdf, .nastran, or .dat).
If the mesh is imported from a COMSOL Multiphysics file, the imported mesh always uses linear geometry shape order for the purpose of modeling ray-boundary interactions, even if the model used to generate the mesh had a higher geometry shape order.
If the mesh is imported from a NASTRAN file, the ray-boundary interactions may be modeled using either linear or higher geometry shape order. If Export as linear elements is selected when generating the NASTRAN file, or if Import as linear elements is selected when importing the file, then linear geometry shape order will be used.