Scattering Boundary Condition
Use the Scattering Boundary Condition to make a boundary transparent for a scattered wave. The boundary condition is also transparent for an incoming plane wave. The scattered (outgoing) wave types for which the boundary condition is perfectly transparent are
The field E0 is the incident plane wave that travels in the direction k. The boundary condition is transparent for incoming (but not outgoing) plane waves with any angle of incidence.
If there is an incident field, a Reference Point subnode can be added by right-clicking the context menu (right-click the parent node) or from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu. The Reference Point subnode redefines the incident field to be expressed as
where rref is a reference point determined as the average point from the point selection in the Reference Point subnode.
The boundary is only perfectly transparent for scattered (outgoing) waves of the selected type at normal incidence to the boundary. That is, a plane wave at oblique incidence is partially reflected and so is a cylindrical wave or spherical wave unless the wave fronts are parallel to the boundary. For the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface, the Perfectly Matched Layer feature is available as a general way of modeling an open boundary.
The domain material adjacent to the boundary where the Scattering Boundary Condition is applied can be lossy.
If the problem is solved for the eigenfrequency or the scattered field, the boundary condition does not include the incident wave.
Scattering Boundary Condition
Select an Incident fieldNo incident field (the default), Wave given by E field, or Wave given by H field. Enter the expressions for the components for the Incident electric field E0 or Incident magnetic field H0.
If the Incident field is not set to No incident field, edit the Incident wave direction kdir for the vector coordinates. The default direction is in the opposite direction to the boundary normal. For 2D axisymmetry, the Incident wave direction kdir should be parallel or anti-parallel to the symmetry axis.
Select a Scattered wave type for which the boundary is absorbing — Plane wave (the default), Spherical wave, or Cylindrical wave.
For the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface, select an OrderFirst order (the default) or Second order.
For Cylindrical wave also enter coordinates for the Source point r0 (SI unit: m) and Source axis direction raxis (dimensionless). For 2D the Source axis direction is assumed to be in the z direction, whereas in 2D axisymmetry it is assumed to be along the axis of rotation.
For Spherical wave enter coordinates for the Source point r0 (SI unit: m).
Conical Antenna: Application Library path RF_Module/Antennas/conical_antenna
Initial Values for Incident Wave
For the Electromagnetic Waves, Transient interface enter the components for the initial value of the Magnetic vector potential A0 (SI unit: Wb/m).
dispersion and absorption
This section is only available for the Electromagnetic Waves, Transient interface. To display it, click the Show button () and select Advanced Physics Options.
Select the Dispersion and absorption model that will be used when calculating the wave number and attenuation constant for the incident and scattered waves — Low loss approximation (the default), or High loss. For High loss also enter a Carrier frequency f0 (SI unit: Hz). The default is 1 GHz.
When the Dispersion and absorption model is set to Low loss approximation the refractive index is calculated from the relative permittivity and the relative permeability as
where Zc is the characteristic impedance.
When the Dispersion and absorption model is set to High loss, the real and the imaginary parts of the complex refractive index is solved for from the real and the imaginary parts of the relative permittivity, using the relations