Lumped Port
Use the Lumped Port node to apply a voltage or current excitation of a model or to connect to a circuit. A lumped port is a simplification of the port boundary condition.
A Lumped Port condition can only be applied on boundaries that extend between two metallic boundaries — that is, boundaries where Perfect Electric Conductor, Impedance Boundary, or Transition Boundary (Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface only) conditions apply — separated by a distance much smaller than the wavelength.
Lumped Port Properties
Enter a unique Lumped port name. It is recommended to use a numeric name as it is used to define the elements of the S-parameter matrix and numeric port names are also required for port sweeps and Touchstone file export (for the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface).
Type of Lumped Port
Select a Type of lumped portCoaxial, Multielement uniform, Uniform, or User defined.
Select User defined for nonuniform ports, for example, a curved port and enter values or expressions in the fields — Height of lumped port hport (SI unit: m), Width of lumped port wport (SI unit: m), and Direction between lumped port terminals ah. In 2D axisymmetry, Coaxial does not support a nonzero azimuthal mode number. The Azimuthal mode number should be set to zero in the Out-of-Plane Wave Number section in the settings for The Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain Interface. When it is modeled in 3D, its geometry has to be a full coaxial shape.
Notice that the input field for Direction between lumped port terminals ah is not shown in 2D, when Electric field components solved for is set to Out-of-plane vector in the Components section for the physics interface. In this case the Direction between lumped port terminals ah is defined to be in the out-of-plane direction.
Select Multielement uniform for multi-excitation or -termination of, for example, a coplanar waveguide port or a differential port. The direction of the field in each sub-element of the Multielement uniform lumped port is defined by the subnodes, Uniform element.
Terminal Type
Select a Terminal type — a Cable port for a voltage driven transmission line and S-parameter calculation, a Current driven port, or a Circuit port.
For Cable select On or Off from the Wave excitation at this port list to set whether it is an inport or a listener port. If On is selected, enter a Voltage V0 (SI unit: V), and Port phase θin (SI unit: rad).
Note it is only possible to excite one Cable port at a time if the purpose is to compute S-parameters. In other cases, for example, when studying microwave heating, more than one inport might be wanted, but the S-parameter variables cannot be correctly computed so if several ports are excited, the S-parameter output is turned off.
For the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain and Microwave Heating interfaces, the Port Sweep Settings cycles through the ports, computes the entire S-matrix, and exports it to a Touchstone file. When using port sweeps, the local setting for Wave excitation at this port is overridden by the solver so only one port at a time is excited.
No entry is required if a Circuit terminal type is selected above.
For a Cable terminal type enter the Characteristic impedance Zref (SI unit: Ω).
For a Current terminal type enter a Terminal current I0 (SI unit: A).
Calculate S-parameter
The Calculate S-parameter check box needs to be activated for S-parameter calculation with the Electromagnetic Waves, Transient and Electromagnetic Waves, Time Explicit interfaces, while the Cable port in the Electromagnetic Wave, Frequency Domain calculates S-parameters automatically.
Voltage source type
When Calculate S-parameter is checked, select Voltage source type from the list (default Modulated Gaussian pulse). The Modulated Gaussian pulse is defined as
where the Center frequency f0 defines the location as 2/f0, the standard deviation as 1/(2f0), and the modulation frequency f0. ηf is the upshift ratio for the sinusoidal modulation frequency.
The modulating sinusoidal function can be slightly shifted from the center frequency f0 by a factor of 1+ηf to improve the frequency responses.
Center Frequency
When Calculate S-parameter is checked, enter a Center frequency f0 for the input modulated Gaussian pulse (SI unit: Hz).
Modulation frequency upshift Ratio
When Calculate S-parameter is checked, enter a Modulation frequency upshift ratio ηf for the input modulated Gaussian pulse.
As a multiport device example, Branch-Line Coupler: Application Library path RF_Module/Couplers_and_Power_Dividers/branch_line_coupler
For example of how to use the Multielement uniform lumped port, Coplanar Waveguide Bandpass Filter: Application Library path RF_Module/Filters/cpw_bandpass_filter