Base Motion
Sometimes the components described by a multibody dynamics assembly are attached a common “ground”, which is not fixed in space but has a uniform movement. Use Base Motion () to specify the motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration) of the environment to which the assembly is connected. The Base Motion node can then be referenced in the selection of source attachment for the joints and springs that connect to the base.
Base Motion
Select a Base motion typeDisplacement, Velocity, or Acceleration.
Enter a value based on the selection:
For Displacement, enter ub.
For Velocity, enter vb.
For Acceleration, enter ab.
The values are given in the coordinate system selected in the Coordinate system selection section.
Initial Base Displacement
This section is available when Velocity or Acceleration is selected as the Base motion type. Then enter a value for ub0 to prescribe a nonzero initial value for the base displacement. The values are given in the coordinate system selected in the Coordinate system selection section.
Initial Base Velocity
This section is available when Acceleration is selected as the Base motion type. Then enter a value for vb0 to prescribe a nonzero initial value for the base velocity. The values are given in the coordinate system selected in the Coordinate system selection section.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Multibody Dynamics>Base Motion
Physics tab with Multibody Dynamics selected:
Global>Multibody Dynamics>Base Motion