The Heat Transfer with Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media Multiphysics Interface
When the predefined Heat Transfer with Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media interface () is added (found under the Heat Transfer branch () of the Model Wizard or Add Physics windows), it combines the Heat Transfer in Solids and the Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media interfaces to model heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation, including in participating (semi-transparent) media considered to be non-emitting.
Stationary, time-domain, and frequency-domain modeling are supported in all space dimensions.
On the Constituent Physics Interfaces
As a predefined multiphysics coupling, Heat Transfer in Solids and Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media interfaces are added to the Model Builder. In addition, a Multiphysics node is added, which automatically includes the Heat Transfer with Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media multiphysics coupling feature.
The Heat Transfer in Solids interface provides features for modeling heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation in optically thick media. A Solid model is active by default on all domains. All functionality to include other heat transfer models, like Fluid, is also available.
The Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media interface provides features to account for absorbed and scattered radiation in a semi-transparent medium. Radiative emission is not considered. The radiative intensity equations defined in participating media domains are approximated with either the Discrete Ordinates Method or the P1 Approximation. It also computes the heating due to the propagation of rays. An Absorbing-Scattering Medium model is active by default on all domains, and an Opaque Surface node is active on all boundaries. In addition, when Discrete ordinates method is selected, Continuity on Interior Boundary is also added.
As an add-on Multiphysics Coupling
The Heat Transfer with Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media multiphysics coupling is also available when there is at least one of each of the following interfaces with the specified model activated:
Settings for the Physics Interfaces and Coupling Features
When physics interfaces are added using the predefined couplings, specific settings are included with the physics interfaces and the coupling feature.
In the Model Input section of the Absorbing-Scattering Medium default feature, the Temperature, T, is automatically set to the variable from the Heat Transfer with Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media multiphysics coupling feature.
The Heat Transfer and Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media interfaces are preselected.