Open Boundary
This node adds a boundary condition for modeling heat flux across an open boundary; the heat can flow out of the domain or into the domain with a specified exterior temperature. Use this node to limit a modeling domain that extends in an open fashion.
Open Boundary
Enter the exterior Temperature T0 outside the open boundary.
Natural Convection Cooling of a Vacuum Flask: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Tutorials,_Forced_and_Natural_Convection/vacuum_flask
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer>Open Boundary
Heat Transfer in Solids>Open Boundary
Heat Transfer in Fluids>Open Boundary
Heat Transfer in Porous Media>Open Boundary
Bioheat Transfer>Open Boundary
Physics Tab with interface as Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer in Solids, Heat Transfer in Fluids, Heat Transfer in Porous Media, Heat Transfer in Building Materials or Bioheat Transfer selected:
Boundaries>interface>Open Boundary