Electrode Potentials and Reference Electrodes
In all the Electrochemistry branch interfaces, the dependent potential variables are s (SI unit: V), the electric potential of the electrode phase (the electron conductor, such as metal), and l (SI unit: V), the potential of the electrolyte phase (ion conductor).
Typically the kinetics of the electrochemical reactions are defined using the overpotential, η (SI unit: V), defined as
where Eeq (SI unit: V) is the equilibrium potential. If it is to apply for all overpotentials, a general kinetic expression for an electrode reaction must be set up so that the charge-transfer current over the electrolyte-electrode interface is zero for zero overpotential (equilibrium conditions).
An implication of Equation 3-17 is that it is the potential difference, , that governs the kinetics, not the absolute individual values of s and l. A global change in the reference for both potentials has no impact on the electrode kinetics. As a result of this, the potentials have to be “boot-strapped” in a model in some way, typically by making an arbitrary choice of electric ground — for example, on an external boundary — in order to ensure that there is a unique solution to the problem.
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