Electrode Surface
Use the Electrode Surface node to model an electrochemical electrode-electrolyte interface between an electrolyte domain and an electrode boundary where the electrode is not included explicitly as a domain in the model geometry. Set the electric potential of the electrode or specify a current condition that the potential of the electrode shall fulfill, and use subnodes to specify the Electrode Reaction and the Double Layer Capacitance at the interface.
This node can only be applied on outer boundaries to electrolyte domains. For internal boundaries between electrolyte and electrode domains, use the Internal Electrode Surface node.
Film Resistance
Use a film resistance if you want to include an additional potential drop due to an ohmic resistance at the interface between the electrode and the electrolyte, for instance due to build-up of insulating deposits.
Specify either a Surface resistance Rfilm (SI unit: Ω·m2) directly or choose the Thickness and conductivity option to calculate the surface resistivity based on a depositing film thickness.
Harmonic Perturbation
Use this section in conjunction with AC Impedance study types to control the perturbation amplitude in the frequency domain.
The perturbation parameter is either Electric potential, Electrode potential, Total current, or Average current density, based on the Boundary condition selected in the next section.
The frequency spectrum is specified in the study node.
Boundary Condition
This section specifies the potential in the electrode phase of the electrolyte-electrode interface. The electrode potential is used (via the overpotential) by the Electrode Reaction subnodes.
Use the Electric potential option to set the value of the potential explicitly with respect to ground whereas the Electrode potential will set the potential value with respect to a reference potential. Total current, Average current density, and External short all add an extra global degree of freedom for the potential in the electrode phase, set to comply with the chosen condition.
When using the Total current option in 1D or 2D, the boundary area is based either on the Cross sectional area (1D), or the Out-of-Plane thickness (2D) properties, set on the physics interface top node.
See also the documentation for the Electrode Potential and External Short nodes for further information about these boundary condition.
Equilibrium Potential Handling (Primary Condition)
This setting only has an effect if 1) there are multiple Electrode Reaction subnodes present and 2) if either a Current Distribution Initialization study step (using a Primary Current distribution type), or the Primary Current Distribution interface is used.
The setting determines which equilibrium potential value will be used for defining the primary current distribution constraint. When the First reaction has been selected, the first electrode reaction subnode must be active in the model.
To display this section, click the Show button () and select Advanced Physics Options.
Constraint Settings
For primary current distributions, the use of weak constraints will in some cases give a more accurate value of the local current density during the solver process. This may in turn render more accurate results when coupling to the local current density variable to describe other phenomena in the model, for instance when modeling geometry deformation due to electrode dissolution/deposition.
The section is available in the Primary Current Distribution and Secondary Current Distribution interfaces when the Current Distribution Model property has been set to Primary.
This section is only available in the Primary Current Distribution and Secondary Current Distribution interfaces when the Current Distribution Model property has been set to Primary. To display this section, click the Show button () and select Advanced Physics Options.