View (1D and 2D)
For 1D, 1D axisymmetric, 2D, and 2D axisymmetric components, the View node () controls the settings to display or hide labels, grid, and other parts of the view and to lock the axis. An Axis node is added by default. You can add this View node by right-clicking Definitions in a 1D or 2D component and also by right-clicking Views under Results to add a View 2D node.
Also right-click the View node in the component to add Hide for Geometry, Hide for Physics, or Hide for Mesh Import, depending on your current view. To add additional View nodes, in the Model Builder, right-click Definitions and select View. You can also right-click a View node to copy or duplicate it. Right-click the Definitions or Views container node above the View nodes to paste a copied View node.
Select the Show geometry labels check box to display the geometry object labels and the geometric entity labels (numbering) in the Graphics window. The labels appear for geometry objects or geometric entities (domain, boundary, edge, or point numbers), depending on what part of the model tree you display and the selection mode you are using.
Select the Show edge direction arrows check box to display the direction arrows on boundaries (edges) in the Graphics window. The direction arrows indicate the directions in which the boundary parameterization’s value increases.
The Show grid check box (available in 2D) is selected by default. Clear it to remove the grid for the view in the Graphics window.
The Mesh rendering check box (available in 2D) is selected by default. Clear it to not plot the mesh in the mesh mode only, so there may not be an immediate effect when you select or clear this check box. This check box is not available in work-plane views, geometry part views, and result views.
Clear the Show axis units check box if you do not want to include units for the plot axes.
Select the Lock axis check box to store the current axis limits so that, for example, the zoom tools can be temporarily used. By revisiting the View node you can then restore the axis limits to the values in the view at the time the Lock axis check box is selected.
Colors (2D Only)
Clear the Show selection colors check box if you do not want to include colors indicating user-defined selections.
Select the Show material colors and texture check box if you want to include colors and texture indicating the material used in the geometry.