Prepare or copy the information to insert into the selection list. For example, copy a list of numbers from a text file or PDF file such as COMSOL model documentation (highlight and press Ctrl+C). Also copy a selection on any Settings window, (for example, the Fixed Constraint boundaries). Click the Copy Selection button (
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In the Paste Selection window, paste (press Ctrl+V) or enter the list of geometric entities into the Selection field. Data in the list or entered in the field can include commas, semicolons, colons, tabs, and spaces as separators (1, 3), ranges (10–34), and words (and). For geometry objects, you can also use colons to separate the object and its entities. For example, in a boundary selection, typing cone1 1 4 arr1(2,1) 3 4 7 or, alternatively, cone1: 1, 4; arr1(2,1): 3, 4, and 7, both select boundaries 1 and 4 for the cone with the name cone1 and boundaries 3, 4, and 7 for the array object arr1(2,1). Click OK to paste the selection into the selection list.