The nonlinear solver uses an affine invariant form of the damped Newton method as described in Ref. 3. You can write the discrete form of the equations as
f(U) = 0, where
f(U) is the residual vector and
U is the solution vector. Starting with the initial guess
U0, the software forms the linearized model using
U0 as the linearization point. It solves the discretized form of the linearized model
f'(U0) δU = −f(U0) for the Newton step
δU using the selected linear system solver (
f'(U0) is the Jacobian matrix). It then computes the new iteration
U1 = U0 + λ δU, where
λ (
0 ≤ λ ≤ 1) is the damping factor. Next the modified Newton correction estimates the error
E for the new iteration
U1 by solving
f'(U0) E = −f(U1). If the relative error corresponding to
E is larger than the relative error in the previous iteration, the algorithm reduces the damping factor
λ and recomputes
U1. This algorithm repeats the damping-factor reduction until the relative error is less than in the previous iteration or until the damping factor underflows the minimum damping factor. When it has taken a successful step
U1, the algorithm proceeds with the next Newton iteration.
A value of λ = 1 results in Newton’s method, which converges quadratically if the initial guess
U0 is sufficiently close to a solution. In order to enlarge the domain of attraction, the solver chooses the damping factors judiciously. Nevertheless, the success of a nonlinear solver depends heavily on a carefully selected initial guess, so you should provide the best value for
U0, giving at least an order of magnitude guess for different solution components.
For Termination criterion: Solution, the nonlinear iterations terminate when the following convergence criterion is satisfied: Let
U be the current approximation to the true solution vector, and let
E be the estimated error in this vector. The software stops the iterations when the relative tolerance exceeds the relative error computed as the following weighted Euclidean norm:
Here M is the number of fields;
Nj is the number of degrees of freedom in field
j. The double subscript denotes degree of freedom index (
i) and field (
j) component. Let
Wi,j = max(
|Ui,j|, Sj), where
Sj is a scale factor that the solver determines from the scaling method. You select the scaling method from the
Method list in the
Scaling section of the
Dependent Variables node’s
Settings window. The solver then computes the scale factor
Sj using the following rules:
For Termination criterion: Residual, the nonlinear iterations terminate when the following convergence criterion is satisfied: The software stops the iterations when the relative tolerance exceeds the relative error computed as the weighted Euclidean norm
where F is the current residual. The weights are determined considering both the initial residual
f0 and the residual after the first iteration
f1 as
f = 0.5 |
f0| + 0.5 |
f1|. In the equation above, the double subscript denotes the degree of freedom index (
i) and the field (
j) component. The iterations can also terminate if the relative step size is in the range of a hundred machine epsilon and in addition a full Newton step is taken.
You select the scaling method from the Method list in the
Residual Scaling section of the
Dependent Variables node’s
Settings window. The solver then computes the weights

using the following rules:
For Termination criterion: Solution or residual, the nonlinear iterations terminate when the relative tolerance exceeds the relative error computed as the minimum of the solution-based error and the error given by the
Residual factor times the residual-based error above.
For Termination criterion: Solution and residual, the nonlinear iterations terminate the Newton iterations on a solution-based estimated relative error and a residual-based estimated relative error given by the
Residual factor times the residual-based error above.
where the controller parameters kP,
kI, and
kD for the proportional, integral, and derivative parts, respectively, are positive constants. Here
en is the nonlinear error estimate for step
n and tol is a given target error estimate.
After each segregated solver iteration, the log reports the Pseudo time-stepping CFL-ratio defined as min(
1.0), where
104 is the steady-state CFL number. The CFL ratio concerns the overall progress of the segregated solver and not individual groups. Convergence is allowed when this number is one and the usual convergence criteria are met.