Material Sweep
The Material Sweep () study step is a special case of Parametric Sweep, where the solver sweeps over materials defined under a Switch node defined under Global Definitions>Materials (see Switch for Materials). After running a material sweep, you can select from the swept materials from a Switch list in the Data section of plot nodes, for example, to postprocess and visualize the material sweep (solutions for the different materials that the sweep includes).
Study Settings
Add information to the table for each column: Switch, Cases, and Case numbers. Use the Move Up (), Move Down (), Add (), and Delete () buttons under the table to organize the data. Use the Add () button to add a list of existing material Switch nodes in the Switch column. From the list under Cases, select All to sweep over all material nodes under the switch. For User defined, define a list of materials to switch between as positive integers, representing the first material from the top under the Switch node as 1, the second function as 2, and so on.
Output While Solving
See Parametric Sweep for these settings.