Setting and Clearing the Thumbnail Image
To illustrate the application, you can save a thumbnail image that displays in The Root Settings and Properties Windows and when opening a model in the Application Libraries window. By default, this image is also included on the title page when you generate a report of your model. You can set the thumbnail from a view in the Graphics window or by importing an external file.
To set the thumbnail from the Graphics window:
Decide which plot to use as the thumbnail. In the Model Builder under Results, click the plot group of the plot you want to use so that it displays in the Graphics window.
Click the Root node (the first node in the model tree).
In the Settings window for Root under Thumbnail, click Set from Graphics Window. Save the model file to update the image.
If required, make adjustments to the image in the Graphics window using the toolbar buttons until the image is one that is suitable to your purposes, or choose another plot and repeat the steps.
To set the thumbnail from an external image file of PNG or JPEG format:
Click the Root node.
In the Settings window for Root under Thumbnail, click Load from File.
The imported image is displayed in the Thumbnail area. While a large image may not fit inside this area, it can still be suitable for a report’s title page. For best results in reports, use images with a resolution of at least 150 DPI.
When a thumbnail has been set, you can clear it by clicking the Clear button.