The Plot Windows
Plot windows are also graphics windows. COMSOL Multiphysics generates such plot windows for displaying convergence results and to monitor probe values while solving (if your model contains probes). To create a new plot window, choose Plot In>New Window from the context menu for a plot group.
At any time during plot creation, click the Plot button () to visualize a data set or plot.
When you are working with Functions, you can also click the Create Plot button () to create a customized plot of the function under Results, including default plot groups and plots.
You can close all plot windows (except the main Graphics window) by right-clicking the Results node () and selecting Close All Plot Windows ().
This section explains how to add plot windows, specify the window to plot in, and lock plot windows.
Adding Plot Windows
The COMSOL Desktop always includes The Graphics Window, which is the default window for all kinds of plots, but you can also add other plot windows for results plots by right-clicking a plot group node and choosing Plot In>New Window or by adding a plot window in the Window Settings section of the plot group nodes’ Settings windows.
Specifying the Window to Plot In
The default for all plot groups is to plot in the Graphics window, but you can plot in any other plot window by right-clicking the plot group node and choosing another plot window from the Plot In submenu. The Plot In submenu also exists in the context menu for each plot type if you want to plot only an individual plot type in a plot group. You can also control where the plots appear and add new plot windows in the Window Settings section of the Settings windows for the plot group nodes.
To create and update all plots in all plot windows, right-click the Results node and select Plot All (). If more than one plot group use the same plot window, that plot window contains the plots from the last plot group.
Locking Plot Windows
If you want to prevent a plot in a plot window from being overwritten by other plots, you can lock the plot window. To prevent a plot displaying in this window from being overwritten by other plots, click the Lock Plot Window button () on the plot window toolbar. Any attempt to create a plot in a locked plot window then results in a message such as Window 'Plot 1' is locked in the Messages window. Click the Lock Plot Window button () again to clear the lock. It is not possible to lock the Graphics window, which COMSOL Multiphysics uses for general visualization.