Particle Evaluation
Use a Particle Evaluation () derived values node to define the evaluation of the numerical value of quantities computed by one of the particle tracing interfaces. This feature requires the Particle Tracing Module. To add this node, right-click the Derived Values node or any Evaluation Group node and choose Particle Evaluation from the More Derived Values menu.
See Common Results Node Settings for information about these sections: Data and Expression. The data set must be a Particle (Data Set). If no Particle data set is available then the only option is None.
To specify the particles to evaluate the expression for, the Particles to evaluate list contains the following options:
Select All (the default) to evaluate the expression for all particles in the simulation.
Select Fraction to evaluate for a fraction of all particles. Enter a scalar value between 0 and 1 in the Fraction of particles field. The default value is 1, which means that the evaluation includes all particles.
Select Number to specify a number of particles to evaluate for in the Number of particles field. The default value is 100 particles. If the particle simulation contains fewer particles than the specified number, all particles are included.
The Results Table
Click the Evaluate button () or right-click the Derived Values node and select Evaluate All () or Clear and Evaluate All ().
The first column in the table is a list of the Time values selected from the Data section. There are N additional columns, where N is the number of particles chosen in the Evaluation section.
The values in each column correspond to the supplied Expression for all the selected Time values. Each column contains M rows, where M is the number of Time values selected in the Data section. By default four digits are displayed; click the Full precision button () to display as many significant digits as possible. If required, the precision level can be changed from The Preferences Dialog Box under General.