The Solution () data sets make solutions available for visualization and results analysis. Solvers automatically create Solution data sets. By default, the name of the Solution data set nodes include the name of the study with the solution that the data set refers to (for example, Study 2/Solution), but you can rename them if you want to. Right-click to select Remesh Deformed Configuration if the model contains mesh deformation.
Select a Solution to make available for visualization and results analysis.
If there is more than one Component, select the geometry to perform visualization and results analysis for by selecting the corresponding Component from the list. If you want to plot solutions in a different component, right-click the Solution data set node and select Duplicate (). Select another component from the Component list in the duplicated Solution data set node, and then refer to that data set in the plot groups where you want to plot the solution for that component’s geometry.
Select the Frame to evaluate the coordinates in: Mesh, Material, Geometry, or Spatial. The default in most cases is the Material frame, and this rarely needs to be changed. This frame selection is used for all results evaluations that use the solution data set.
Enter a value for the Solution at angle (phase) (SI unit: deg). The default is 0 degrees and evaluates complex-valued expressions by multiplying the solution in the solution data set by a factor of exp(i*pi*phase/180) prior to expression evaluation.
Enter a Scale factor (the default is 1; that is, no scaling) to multiply the solution by a real-valued scale factor.