Particle Bin
Use a Particle Bin () data set, selected from the More Data Sets submenu, to organize particles into groups and treating each group as a single entity for the purpose of using other particle postprocessing features. This data set always takes a Particle (Data Set) as input.
See Expressions and Predefined Quantities for information about the settings for defining an expression to be evaluated. The value of this expression is used as a criterion for organizing particles into bins. The options in the Bins section below determine how the value of this expression is organized into subintervals.
Then, if this data set is used in place of a Particle (Data Set) in any other Results feature, all particles in each bin are replaced by a single macroparticle having position and other properties that are the average over all particles in the bin.
Choose one of the following from the Entry method list: Limits, Number of bins (the default), or Tolerance.
For Limits, enter a list of values directly, or use the Range button (). All particles whose expressions evaluate to a number between the same limits, are put into the same bin.
For Number of bins, enter the Number of bins. The default is 10. Then select one of the following from the Distribution list: Equal number of particles or Equal bin width. The limits for each bin are computed so that they lie between the largest and smallest values of the expression over all particles.
For Tolerance enter the Tolerance. Particles are typically placed in the same bin if the difference between their expression values is less than the tolerance. This is a convenient option when the value of the expression should take on any of a large number of discrete values, since you can simply specify a small tolerance and then a single bin is created for each discrete value.
Particle Bin data sets require the Particle Tracing Module.