Plot Titles for Plot Groups and Plot Types
Every plot group and plot type have a Title section where the Title type is selected and set. The options are Automatic (the default), Custom (if available), Manual, or None. An Automatic title is generated based on the type of plot or plots selected. Select None for no title. Select Custom to add existing information combined with custom prefix and suffix text to the title as described below, or select Manual to enter free text in the field, including optional evaluation of variables, include the current date and time and the filename (see Manual Plot Titles below).
Custom Plot Titles
These settings are only available for the main plot groups. Under Solution, select the check boxes as needed.
Select Data set to include details about the data set used for the plot.
Select Phase to include information about the phase (when applicable).
Select Solution to include the details about the solution (the time step or parameter values, for example) for the plot (when applicable).
Select Filename to include the name of the MPH-file for the model that the plot belongs to.
Select Date to include the current date (using a format like Nov 7, 2016, for example).
Select Time to include the current time (using a format like 4:47:48 PM, for example).
The title includes data set settings taken from a plot if there is exactly one data set that is taken from a plot, and the plot group’s data set is not used anywhere. The plot group’s data set has precedence over the plots’ data sets.
Type and Data
Under Type and data, select the check boxes as needed.
Select Type to include the plot type in the title.
Select Description to include the variable details.
Select Expression to include the variable expression in the title.
Select Unit to include the variable unit.
Under User, enter text as needed:
Enter text in the Prefix field to add free text at the front of any Solution title text string. For example, if all the Data set, Phase, and Solution check boxes are selected, this text is first.
Enter text in the Suffix field to add free text at the end of any Solution title text string. For example, if all the Data set, Phase, and Solution check boxes are selected, this text is at the end of this information.
The Use parameter indicator for solution and phase check box is selected by default to display the solutions time, parameter value, or phase for the currently selected plot in the upper-left corner of the Graphics window.
Manual Plot Titles
For all manual plot titles, enter the plot title in the Title field. In the Title section for plot groups, you can use these additional settings for including the date, the time, the filename, or values of scalar variables, for example:
Select the Allow evaluation of expressions check box to make it possible to evaluate and display values. You can then type, for example, eval(t,min) to evaluate the time t (in minutes). You can control the precision (number of digits) for the displayed values using a positive integer in the Precision field. In addition to available scalar variables in the model, you can use the following variables to display date, time, filename, and so on:
For example, use eval(DATE) to include the current date in the plot title.
The Parameter indicator field contains a parameter indicator, such as the time for the current plot of a time-dependent solution, which appears in the upper-left corner of the Graphics window. You can edit the indicator if desired.