Branches and Subbranches in the Tree Structure
You can proceed through your modeling in the Model Builder by selecting the branches in the order suggested by the default positions, from the top down, or selecting and defining each branch as needed. One level below the main Component branch are subbranches as described in Table 3-2 and shown in Figure 3-2. The node appearance can also change depending on many factors. See Dynamic Nodes in the Model Builder for examples.
Data Sets refer to the source of data for creating Plots and Reports. It can be a Solution, a Mesh, or some transformation or cut plane applied to other data sets; that is, you can create new data sets from other data sets.
Figure 3-2: An example of the Model Builder tree structure showing the many different types of branches and subbranches available in a model. Refer to Table 3-2 to learn more about a node. Use the numbers to locate the node in the table.