Mesh Control Faces
To use isolated faces, or faces between two 3D domains, only for mesh control, in the Geometry toolbar, from the Virtual Operations menu (), select Mesh Control FacesĀ (). Then enter the properties of the operation using the following sections:
Select the faces that you want to use for mesh control in the Graphics window. They then appear in the Face to include list. If the geometry sequence includes user-defined selections above the Mesh Control Faces node, choose Manual to select faces, or choose one of the selection nodes from the list next to Faces to include.
Click the Active button to toggle between turning ON and OFF the Faces to include selections.
Use the Include adjacent vertices and edges check box to specify if the operation also includes the ignorable vertices and edges adjacent to of the faces.
The operation removes the selected faces that are isolated or that are between two domains. The faces are removed from the geometry but become available when you build the mesh. You can, for example, use a mesh control face to partition the geometry to make it possible to sweep a hexahedral mesh.