Searching the Application Libraries
In the Application Libraries window, you can Search the application libraries to find any files using a specific feature. For example, enter all or part of the name, a physics interface name, a feature name, a feature tag or name prefixed by ‘@’, or any other phrase or words or and click Search.
By default, the search includes all words in the Search field..
COMSOL files are named using an underscore between words (for example, effective_diffusivity) because the filename is also the name of the corresponding Model MPH-file. The underscore is required to form a valid filename, so it is recommended that you, if you are not sure of the full name, enter only the first word (rather than multiple words separated by spaces) in the Search field when searching for a model or application name.
The search in the Application Libraries window does not include the models’ PDF documents. To search for text in the model documentation, use the COMSOL Documentation window and select Application libraries from the Search scope list to limit the search for the application libraries (see Searching the Documentation).
Search Parameters
To search for models and applications by filename only, use the prefix “@name:”, for example @name:busbar. You can also use the wildcard character ‘*’ at the beginning and the end of the search expression, for example @name:fluid* or @name:*electr*.
Limit the search to tags, names, or types with the prefix ‘@’. For example, @genext finds all models using a General Extrusion node, and @ehs finds all models with an Electron Heat Source node.
To search for a specific physics interface, use the scoping syntax @physics:<name>. For example, enter @physics:ec to find all models that use the Electric Currents interface.
In addition to @physics, the supported scopes include @geom, @mesh, @probe, @result, @selection, and @study. For example, enter @geom:if to search for models that include an If statement (node) in the geometry sequence.
If the search does not return any results, the Application Libraries window contains the message No Results Found. Click the Refresh button () under the tree to return to the root Application Libraries folder list.