Deforming Domain
Add a Deforming Domain node () to specify that the shape of the selected domains should be governed by the domain boundaries, which are in turn controlled either by explicit moving mesh boundary condition nodes, or by implicit continuity constraints requiring that a deforming domain must follow the motion of adjacent domains, or stay fixed if there is no adjacent domain. Explicit boundary conditions take precedence over implicit constraints.
In the interior of the domains, the mesh is controlled by a smoothing equation. You can select the smoothing method and the initial deformation of the domain.
The Settings window for the Deforming Domain node contains the following sections:
For the mesh smoothing, choose smoothing type from the Mesh smoothing type list: Laplace (the default), Winslow, Hyperelastic, or Yeoh. For Yeoh, also enter a Stiffening factor C2 (default: 10). See Smoothing Methods for more information.
Initial Deformation
Enter expressions or values for the components of the initial deformation in the Initial deformation fields (SI unit: m).