Mass Properties
You can add one or more Mass Properties nodes to create variables for and compute the following quantities for a model component:
When you compute the solution, COMSOL Multiphysics adds the following variables:
mass1.CMX, mass1.CMY, mass1.CMZ
mass1.IXX, mass1.IXY, mass1.IXZ, and so on
mass1.Ip1X, mass1.Ip2X, mass1.Ip3X, and so on
mass1.Ip1, mass1.Ip2, and mass1.Ip3
The namespace of the variables — mass1 in the table — is unique for each Mass Properties node.
In general, the characters X, Y, and Z in the variable names in the table above are replaced by the coordinate names in the selected frame.
Use a Global Evaluation node, for example, to evaluate the resulting measurement quantities, which you can select from a Definitions>Mass Properties submenu after clicking the Replace Expression () or the Insert Expression () button.