Handle initial data and scaling for variables solved, as well as how variables not solved for are computed. The methods are applied for the dependent variables present as Field or State subattributes. These attributes are automatically created and updated by this feature. So, if the Analysis (for the solver sequence) is altered or if a different Analysis is used in the sequence, then the Field attributes are changed accordingly.
Operation feature. Computes the initial values for the variables that are solved for and how the variables not solved for are computed. The variables handled are the ones present as Field or State attributes. The feature also handles scaling and which variables to store in output.
Attribute feature.
Name of the controlling study step or "user" if the feature is controlled manually.
init | sol
zero | solution object
current | solution store
zero | solution object
init | sol
auto | all | first | last | from_list | interp | manual | positive integer
current | solution store
auto | manual
Residual scaling value, if resscalemethod is manual.
auto | init | none | manual
Global scaling value, if scalemethod is manual.
auto | first | last | interp | manual | positive integer
on | off
on | off
on | off
auto | init | none | manual | parent
on | off
all | selection
The properties initmethod, initsol, and initsoluse determine the initial value for the solution components you solve for when useinitsol is set to on.
The properties notsolmethod, notsol, notsoluse, and notsolnum determine the value of solution components you do not solve when usesol is set to on.
Which variables to solve for, and which variables to store in the solution is controlled by the properties solvefor and out in the Field or State attributes.
The reconstruct property is only available when using model reduction and then to configure reconstruction for dependent variables not solved for.
The properties scalemethod and scaleval determine a scaling of the degrees of freedom that is applied in order to get a more well-conditioned system. The possible values of scalemethod are: