Plot data from a table in a surface plot.
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result(<pgtag>).create(<ftag>,"Table") creates a table surface plot feature named <ftag>.
Table surface plots can only be used with tables containing filled data, produced from a parametric sweep. They can be added to 2D plot groups.
The following properties are available:
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
colortable | uniform
on | off
Whether to show color legend, when coloring is set to colortable.
The color table to use when coloring is set to colortable. See Color Tables for a list of color tables.
on | off
Whether to reverse to color table when coloring is set to colortable.
on | off
For tables with filled data, datacol controls which data column should be used to populate the filled table.
filledtable | columns | cells
none | data | manual
For tables with filled data, descr controls which description to use for the columns, in addition to the parameter values. none gives no description, manual uses the description in descrmanual, and data uses the description in the table data.
none | evaluation group feature name
on | off
For tables with filled data, filterstringdata controls whether to filter the input column using showrowstep.
all | filled
Controls whether you retrieve all or filled table data when calling the getTableData method.
continuous | discrete
on | off
If transform is none: When on, the imaginary part of the data in the table is plotted.
If inheritplot is not none: Determines if the color is inherited.
If inheritplot is not none: Determines if height scale is inherited.
none | plot name
If inheritplot is not none: Determines if the color and data ranges are inherited.
For tables with filled data containing more than two parameters, param is the index indicating which values to use for fixing additional parameters. Additional parameters are ordered from left to right in the original table data.
table | manual
For tables with filled data containing more than two parameters, plotdata controls whether to use manual settings in the plot (table row, column, and so forth), or the filled settings in the table feature. In the latter case, the table’s properties are automatically synchronized with the plot’s properties.
none | linear
on | off
Whether to use the manual color range specified in rangecolormin and rangecolormax. The color range specifies the minimum and maxim value in the plotted colors. Default is the minimum and maximum data values.
on | off
Whether to use the manual data range specified in rangedatamin and rangedatamax. Values outside the data range is not plotted.
When retrieving filled data using the getTableData method, showrowstep controls whether to leave all but every showrowstep input cells empty, for example, every third cell in the first column. This refers to the input column only. Only applied when filterstringdata is on.
none | material | internal | everywhere | expression
Smoothing settings. With material, smoothing is done inside domains with the same material. With internal, smoothing is done inside geometry domains. With expression, the smoothing is based on the expression in smoothexpr.
The expression to use for smoothing when smooth is set to expression.
table | evaluationgroup
none | table feature name
manual | none
Threshold value (0–1), if threshold is set to manual.
The title to use when titletype is manual.
auto | manual | none
auto if the title contribution should be computed automatically, possibly using the group’s customization. manual if the manual title contribution should be used (the title property). none if no title contribution should be used.
For tables with filled data, xaxisdata controls which parameter is used on the x-axis.
For tables with filled data, yaxisdata controls which parameter is used on the y-axis. Cannot be the same parameter as in xaxisdata.
on | off
See Also
Table, Table (Plot), Height, AberrationHeight, HistogramHeight, TableHeight