colortable | uniform
on | off
The color table to use when coloring is set to colortable. See Color Tables for a list of color tables.
on | off
on | off
The element data for the surface data plot, providing connections between the points. The data is an (edim+1)-by-M integer matrix with values that are 0-based indices into pointdata. The right-hand rule defines the normal direction in 3D. In 2D the order does not matter.
on | off
Whether to use the manual color range specified in rangecolormin and rangecolormax. The color range specifies the minimum and maxim value in the plotted colors. Default is the minimum and maximum data values.
on | off
Whether to use the manual data range specified in rangedatamin and rangedatamax. Values outside the data range are not plotted.
auto if the title contribution should be computed automatically. manual if the manual title contribution should be used (the title property). none if no title contribution should be used.