Create a solution data set.
model.result().dataset(<dtag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result().dataset().create(<dtag>,"Solution") creates a solution data set.
Solution data sets refer to a solution in a solver sequence. All result features that perform evaluations on a solution refer to these data sets rather than directly to the solution itself. The solution data sets specify which geometry and frame to use for evaluation and whether to evaluate only on a specific selection, among other things. It is possible to have multiple data set solutions referring to the same solution.
The following properties are available:
mesh | material | spatial| geometry
material or spatial
<mtag>) creates a new geometry sequence (deformed configuration) tagged <gtag> together with a meshing sequence tagged <mtag> to use for remeshing of a deformed mesh. The created geometry sequence only contains a FromMesh feature.
Create a solution data set and set it to point to the second geometry in the solver sequence sol1:
Code for Use with Java
DatasetFeature ds = model.result().dataset().create("dset1", "Solution");
ds.set("solution", "sol1");
ds.set("geom", "geom2");
Code for Use with MATLAB
ds = model.result.dataset.create('dset1', 'Solution');
ds.set('solution', 'sol1');
ds.set('geom', 'geom2');
See Also
PlotGroup1D, PlotGroup2D, PlotGroup3D