Add a filter attribute to a plot.
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).feature(<atag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).create(<atag>,"Filter") creates an element filter attribute named <atag> belonging to the plot feature <ftag>.
Use filters to limit plots to elements satisfying a condition.
Filters can be added to arrow plots, contour plots, global plots, isosurface plots, line graphs, line plots, mesh plots (in 2D and 3D), point graphs, slice plots, surface plots, and volume plots.
The following properties are available:
all | any | xor | smooth
The set of nodes in an element that have to satisfy the logical expression for it to be included in the plot. The smooth option creates smooth edges by "cutting" through elements. Available in 2D and 3D only.