Revolve planar faces in 3D.
Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"Revolve") to revolve objects from a work plane.
Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).selection("input") to select the work plane objects to revolve. The default selection is all available objects from the last preceding work plane.
Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).selection("inputface") to select the faces to revolve. Faces are revolved when the workplane property is none; otherwise, work plane objects are revolved.
The following properties are available:
specang | full
2d | 3d
none | custom | integer between 1 and the number of colors in the current theme
The color to use. Active when color is set to custom.
on | off
workplane | faces
on | off
on | off
all | obj | dom | bnd | edg | pnt | off
Show selections of resulting objects in physics, materials, and so on, or in part instances. obj is not available in a component’s geometry. dom, bnd, and edg are not available in all features.
Each 2D object in input or planar face in inputface is revolved about the revolution axis. The range of angles is given by the properties angle1 and angle2. If axistype is 2d, the revolution axis is defined in a local coordinate system. The revolution axis goes through pos with direction axis. If axistype is 3d, the revolution axis is defined in the 3D coordinate system. The revolution axis goes through pos3 with direction axis3.
When revolving work plane objects, the local system is defined as the local system of the work plane. When revolving faces, the local system is defined by the face with the smallest face number in the object that comes first in the geometry sequence. The local z-axis is parallel to the face normal and located at the center of the face. The local x-axis is defined by the tangent direction corresponding to the first parameter in the surface representation for the face.
For information about the selresult and contributeto properties, see Selections of Geometric Entities.
Additional properties:
Alias for angle1 and angle2.
on | off
Alias for unite property with opposite value.
Alias for pos (first column) and axis (second column).
Create torus about the y-axis:
Code for Use with Java
Model model = ModelUtil.create("Model1");
GeomSequence g = model.geom().create("geom1",3);
g.feature("wp1").geom().create("c1", "Circle");
g.feature("wp1").geom().feature("c1").set("pos", "2 0");"wp1");
Code for Use with MATLAB
model = ModelUtil.create('Model1');
g = model.geom.create('geom1',3);
g.feature('wp1').geom.create('c1', 'Circle');
g.feature('wp1').geom.feature('c1').set('pos', '2 0');'wp1');
See Also
Extrude, WorkPlane