Create one or several connected intervals in 1D.
Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"Interval") to create one or more intervals. The following properties are available:
Coordinates in table (used when coordsource is set to table).
table | vector
Coordinates in table (used when coordsource is set to table).
Left endpoint (used when specify is set to len).
table | vector
Lengths in table (used when lensource is set to table).
table | vector
Lengths in vector field (used when lensource is set to table).
on | off
all | obj | dom | bnd | off
Show selections, if selresult is on, of resulting objects in physics, materials, and so on, or in part instances. obj is not available in a component’s geometry. dom, bnd, and edg are not available in all features.
coord | len
To specify one interval, set the properties p1 and p2. Then, intervals is automatically set to one.
To specify a sequence of connected intervals, set the property p. Then, intervals is automatically set to many.
For information about the selresult and contributeto properties, see Selections of Geometric Entities.
model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"solid1") creates an interval.
The properties above are new in 5.4; there is backward compatibility with respect to the previous properties as follows:
The property intervals set to one corresponds to coordsource set to table.
The property intervals set to many corresponds to coordsource set to vector.
Setting or getting the value of the property p1 operates on the first element of the coord array.
Setting or getting the value of the property p2 operates on the last (or second) element of the coord array.
Setting or getting the value of the property p operates on the coordvec array.
The following commands create a solid consisting of two intervals:
Code for Use with Java
Model model = ModelUtil.create("Model1");
GeomSequence g = model.component("comp1").geom().create("geom1",1);
g.feature("i1").set("p","0 1 3");;
Code for Use with MATLAB
model = ModelUtil.create('Model1');
g = model.component('comp1').geom.create('geom1',1);
g.feature('i1').set('p','0 1 3');;
See Also