model.param() is a collection of global model parameters. Likewise,
model.result().param() is a collection of model parameters for results and postprocessing.
model.param().set(<param>,<expr>,<descr>) defines the parameter
<param> as
<expr> and assigns it the description
model.param().descr(<param>,<descr>) sets the description for the parameter
model.param().varnames() returns the names of all parameters as a string array.
model.param().get(<param>) returns the parameter value as a string.
model.param().descr(<param>) returns the parameter description as a string.
model.param().evaluate(<param>) evaluates the value of the parameter
<param> as a double real-valued floating-point value. For complex-valued parameters, use the
evaluateComplex method instead.
model.param().evaluateComplex(<param>) evaluates the value of the parameter
<param> as a double floating-point array with the real and imaginary part of a complex-valued parameter.
model.param().evaluateUnit(<param>) returns the unit of the parameter
<param> if defined. It returns
null if the parameter has no unit defined, or if the model does not use any unit system.
For model.param().loadFile() and model.param().saveFile(), see
The loadFile and saveFile Methods.
Use model.param(<ptag>).setShowInParamSel(false); to exclude the parameters in the global parameter set in
<ptag> in parameter selections. The default is that
setShowInParamSel is
true; that is, all the parameters are included in parameter selections.
model.param(<ptag>).paramCase().create(<pctag>) creates a parameter case for a set of global parameters
<ptag>. You can create several parameter cases, where you can use the
.set(<param>,<expr>); syntax to specify another expression for any existing parameter <param>. Then use
model.param(<ptag>).setFromCase(<param>,<pctag>); to specify the parameter case
<pctag> as the source for the value of the parameter
Define the parameter c in terms of another parameter
a and then remove