The Unit Set Node
The Unit Set node () provides a way of defining sets of units with a list of units for applicable physical quantities. Defining unit sets makes it possible for the user of an app to select the unit to use for some input. Input Field and Slider form objects can use a specific unit list of a unit set to specify the display unit of the form object. Typically, you can use a combo box object to specify the unit set to use (by making it the source). You can also use a unit set as the source in radio button, list box, and combo box form objects.
The Settings window contains the following sections.
Unit Groups
In this table, add the units that you want to use in the application, either for multiple quantities in a centralized unit set or for a single quantity using multiple Unit Set nodes, one for each quantity. In the Value column, type the value that you want to use for the unit, and in the Display name column, type the name of the unit that will appear when it is used in a combo box object, for example. The value and display name can be the same (SI or inch, for example). Each unit row that you add in this section adds a corresponding column in the table under Unit Lists.
Use the Move Up (), Move Down (), and Delete () toolbar buttons to organize and remove choices from the list.
From the Initial value list, choose the unit set that will be used when launching the application.
Unit Lists
This section contains a table, where you add physical properties as rows and their corresponding units for all defined unit groups in the columns. Specify the name in the Name column (mass or length, for example) and then the corresponding units in the following columns; for example, kg and m in an SI column for SI units and lb and ft in an Imperial column for imperial units. Or, if using a separate Unit Set node for a length, for example, the columns could be cm, m, and in for centimeters, meters, and inches, respectively).
Click the Add button () to add another physical property as a new row to the list. Use the Move Up (), Move Down (), and Delete () toolbar buttons to organize and remove rows from the list.