The Choice List Node
The Choice List node () contains a list of choices for combo boxes, lists, and radio buttons that refer to this node as part of their allowed values. You can specify a label to display in the Label field and the name of the choice list object in the Name field. The Settings window contains the following section.
List Contents
This section includes a table with a Value column and a Display name column. Enter the property values that the user can choose from in the first column and the corresponding text to show in the combo box list in the second column. Use the Move Up (), Move Down (), and Delete () toolbar buttons to organize and remove choices from the list. Click the Clear Table button () to remove all table contents. Click the Save to File button () and enter a File name in the Save to File dialog box. Click Save to save the file. Use the Load from File button () and Load from File dialog box to import data in text files, generated by a spreadsheet program, for example.
Internally, a choice list is an N-by-2 double string array, where N is the number of rows in the table. When running an application, you can change the content of this list by setting a new double string array to the property with the name you specified in the Name field.
You can right-click the Choice List node to add an Activation Condition subnode.