The Array 1D Double node (

) declares one or more named double floating-point arrays that you can access from form objects and methods. The number of elements in the double array is not restricted in any way, and you typically use a double array to specify some array input with floating-point values. The
Settings window contains the following section.
This section contains a single table, where you specify one double array stored per row. Specify the name in the Name column; the initial values in the
Initial values column; and the new element value for each element (the default, 0.0, represents the first value) in the
New element value column. The new element value specifies the value that a new element of the double floating-point array gets in certain add operations (for example, in a table). You can also add an optional description of the double array in the
Description column.
Use the Move Up (

Move Down (

), and
Delete (

) toolbar buttons to organize and remove choices from the list.
In the code of a method, you access a double array named dblarray1 as if it were a normal Java double[] variable: